Friday, December 19, 2014

Daily blogger By Jakob Tech

    One day left until Christmas break and the snow is piling up as much as the homework. As I was walking in English class like usual, I heard everyone talking to each other. When Mrs. Troester walked in told everyone to settle down. We listened to Bronx Masquerade the whole class. There was in English assignment for the day unless you had missing work, or like me the Daily Blogger.

     Outside of English class one of the best parts of the day was science class. In science class I learned how to record my voice on my computer. This was important to learn because I needed to be able to talk about my science project and record it in iMovie. Don’t forget that our iMovies are due today!

     Now as break gets closer our days seem to get longer. I hope all of you have finished your homework so we can have fun. If I don’t see all of you before then have a great break and Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

daily blogger 12 - 16 by Hunter Cullen

     “Aw man!” I’m daily blogger again! Well today in English we worked on our first and last lines poem which I really enjoyed. Also we were going to read Bronx Masquerade. I like the characters and  the poems that they write for open mike Friday and  how our class does the same thing.

       Since there was a late start for school today I invited my friend Nate Welsh over so, we could finish our science project. When he got over, we finished our project. That was a relief because we     did not have to worry about finishing it later. After that we had an hour and thirty minutes to play Call of Duty which was really fun. I think anyone could tell that we were having a blast until it was time to go to school.

     After going through school getting homework and finishing it in study hall. I went to lunch and ate and went through my other classes like a breeze. Now the best part of the day basketball practice! It was really fun until it was over but I said tomorrow I will play again no worries.  Then I went
Home. Peace out daily Blogger!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/17/14 By: Felipe

Hi my name is Felipe Lopez. This morning I woke up got ready ate breakfast. Then I waited for my ride to come and picked me up. This afternoon I went to my english and we learned how to write a poem and we read the book "Bronx masquerade. 

Finally For my last period I have P.E. and we had basketball practice which i'm not going out for. We learned different ways to pass the ball and practice shooting the ball.

I was very happy because it was my last period and then I went home and then I had to do my Homework. Then I had Supper then I watch some TV and then I went to sleep. That is how my night ended.

Daily Blogger 12-17-14 By: Aaron

     I woke up this morning and was not in a good mood. I wanted to sleep more, but my mom said that I had to go to school. Sadly. When I got here, I took my box of food to English class and went to reading. Reading was fun because we got to deliver secret santas.

     In English we worked on our 1st & last line poems. Then we read some of our book Bronx Masquerade. It was good. After that I learned that I was daily blogger. I was sad.

     At the end of the day we had basketball practise which I'm not going out for. I still have not figuered out why they make use try it if we dont want to do it. That's all for me. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

                                                                                        Here's a peak at my poem

Daily Blogger 12/3/14 By: Nate W

Well, looks like I’m the blogger today. I have to give a shout out first of all, to all my boys in wrestling. We rose and we fell…together. I tell you, the people right here, you’re going to remember them for the rest of your life.

In English, we’ve been doing most of that boring review stuff for this poetry unit. The book we’re reading, Bronxe Masquerade, really is a pretty good example of some pretty awesome poetry. And, like Tyrone said, some of them girls get pretty deep if you know what I’m sayin’.

The end of the first semester has been rapidly approaching, and now, it’s our last week of it. THANK GOD! I have to say though, the teachers this year aren’t as bad as I thought (no offense) they would be. I’ve enjoyed just about every minute of this year….so far. I hope the best for all the guys going out for basketball, which starts Monday. Anyway, thanks, for your time, and HAPPY KWANZAA!!!

This is the holy grail: The door to my room:

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/12/14 - By Alek

Hello, today in English we worked on reading this book named the "Bronx Masquerade". The book seems to be all about this wanna be gangster, Tyrone.

In reading we took a vocabulary test. Also, we read the book "Speak".

This weekend I will do absolutely nothing except this daily blog.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/11/14 by Khobe

Yo yo yo! I’m blogger today. It is a great Thursday. Today in English we took a easy test. We also read Bronx Masquerade.
            In 4 period algebra ½ we had a quiz. It took forever to finish. It was also very boring.

            The Junior High girls basketball game is to night. Hope they win.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Daily Blogger: 11/20 Olivia

             Today started great. I woke up late to my mom yelling " What are you doing? Get Up!" I jumped five feet out of my bed and scattered, half a sleep tripping over the garbage can I call my room. I get to school barley two minutes before the first bell rings. "Todays just gonna be perfect", I think in my head.
              I make it to fourth period without falling asleep, well if you don't count that little snooze I took in history. In English today we looked at "My name" poems from last years 8th graders, and I thought that their poems were really good. I especially liked Julia's poem because she used quotes that described who she is in every stanza. Then we got to write our own name poems.
              Then I went the rest of the day, each period seemed to be getting longer and longer as the day went on. In ag. we presented our animal presentations. Mine was about the cattle industry. My dad brought a live cow to school for my presentation. After ag, I was glad to be just one more class away from home. Basketball though. That just tiered me out. Seem to last forever. When practice was finally done, I struggled to climb in the car with three heavy bags. When I finally settled myself, I feel right to sleep to catch up on the hours of sleep.


Daily Blogger 12-10-14 Trista Strampher

Today I have daily blogger and its kind of fun and kind of not. We are getting really close to Christmas break and I don’t really want Christmas because I won’t have my dad, grandma, or my nana. In English we looked at our poem with Mrs. Babl. I am really excited for study hall because I get to meet my new mentor. My day was kind of boring. In PE we were doing circuits and I already have an infection in my lungs which really hurts to breathe. I’m sorry I forgot to get a photo today.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Daily Blogger- 12/10/14 By: Hannah Alden

            I woke up to the sound of skidding and colliding; as my cat likes to run back and fourth on the wood floors of my house, eventually ending up running face first into one of the wooden doors we have. I rushed to get ready for this, so not bright Tuesday morning. Of course I arrived to school just in the knick of time. Just having enough time to put my gym bag on top of the lockers and rush to first period with Mrs. Morrow.
           I walk into third period English grab my tables’ bright yellow box with letters, “P3-T4,” on it. Mrs. Troester then starts to read us a few “Name Poems,” from last year and then tells us to take out our computers and get started writing some hobbies/interests and adjectives to help us write our poems. This part is always the hardest for me, because I never know what to put down. If you finished your poem during class you could start studying our poetic terms, because we have a test on Thursday.
            My family and some other families are heading down to Lincoln, NE this Saturday to cheer on the O’Neill wrestlers as they take on Amherst. Then later that night we get to cheer even more, while we get to watch the Nebraska wrestlers. My weekends are always super busy when wrestling season starts, but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/8/14 By: Collin

 Daily Blogger 12/8/14
            Right after a long weekend we get Monday piled onto us like an avalanche of snow. I hate Mondays. Walking into school on a mild weather morning just marks the beginning of one less week until winter break. Did I mention I have daily blogger today? (Hopefully that was obvious)

            Today in English class we listened to Bronx Masquerade. This book is rather interesting, a kid lights the fire for an idea to start an open mike poetry reading every Friday. The kids get deep and really express themselves.

            I spent the rest of the day going to long classes that got pretty boring. Finally we went outside for P.E. and walked the track. This was a typical Monday and I’m glad to share my experience with you.

daily blog

Today in class we had to read/listen to a very racist book called the Bronx Masquerade. Its about teens in New York writing very racist or Demented poems. And are very ghetto when they speak.

Daily Blogger 12/5/14 by: Amaya D

I guess today I am daily blogger Yay! Well I woke up this morning not wanting to come to school at all. I felt like just sleeping all day, so I had to set like five alarms by the time the last one goes off I am finally up.
            It is now fourth period and Mrs.Troster reminds us that today is open mic. There were a lot of good poems that people read out loud. Dennis’s was kind of scary it was a “ This is Just to say” poem and it was about him killing someone’s cat with a lawnmower. I thought everyone else was pretty good also.

            The wrest of my day was pretty great since it was Friday. Basketball practice is always my favorite. We got to play a full court game against each other. When we did our conditioning, I kind of wiped out. It really hurt, but at the same time it was hilarious. I can’t wait to write more.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/4/14 Taryn Strong

   Today started out like any other Thursday. Everyone was excited that it was almost Friday, but by the middle of the day everyone was ready for this long Thursday to be over with including me. Thank goodness this long Thursday is over and done with.

   I started the day in reading class. We went over our vocabulary and then read for the rest of the period. Science was next and we wrote notes. Then came English. Today in English we read William Carlo William’s “This is Just to Say” Poem. After we read and saw some examples, we got to write our own. Which was pretty fun and easy to do.

   The day ended with a pep rally in the gym. The cheerleaders cheered to get the crowd going. The dance team danced a wonder dance that wowed the crowd. The pep rally lasted 25 minutes but seemed only a second. This long Thursday came to a great ending.

Daily Blogger 12/2/14 By Jace Stagemeyer

     “Let me go back to bed,” I said as my mom was trying to wake me up this morning. Usually I am one of the first ones to get out of bed, but that just changed. I had wrestling yesterday and got home at 9:30 p.m. and worked on homework until 11:00 p.m. I guess it was worth it because I got second.

            Today in English I only had about five minutes left because I was busy with having FFA, band, and wrestling pictures. When I had time to work we did an online text book on iBooks that had a little quick questions at the end. I thought it was pretty easy and it went very fast.

            Since I had missed a lot of my classes for activity pictures I have a lot of homework. Tomorrow I will not be at school because I will be going to the District LSE’s. We leave the school at 5:45 p.m. and head to Valentine Nebraska. I have to give a speech for the contest, and I am participating in quiz bowl. Last year my team won quiz bowl and I won the speech contest. My speech is about a UNL professor is making cornhusks into cloths. I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Daily Blogger Decmeber 4 2014 by hali kloppenborg

Ugh! I hear my alarm going I reach over to my table and pick up my phone and throw it. It just kept beeping I finally get up and get ready for today. 7th and 8th graders have a basketball game tonight. I'm really excited. So I hurry up and get my stuff in my gym bag and full out sprint to the door not only because I was excited for the game because i wanted the front seat of the car.

On the way to school my mom, Alex, and I were talking about pictures. I have to take two pictures today. I have to take pictures for choir and basketball. Which means I am going to have to change a lot and fast. My first class of the day is Reading I like it a lot because well we practically do nothing besides sit there and read. Which can "totally" be fun. My second class today was science we didn't do much we just took notes and checked our extra credit worksheet. My third class today was English it was ok. I was told about daily blogger which is what I am doing right now. Well that's about it.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Daily Blogger 12/1/14 Heydon

     Today started out cold. English, on the other hand did not. We started with a warm and talkative poetic review, identifying the poetic elements we saw. We then moved on to filling out our "Favorite Place on Earth" outline.

     Later in the day the high school and junior high bands played some groovy tunes, filling the school with wonderful noise. Science was interesting as we were talking about physics.

     The high school boys have their first basketball game tonight with and at Clearwater. Typically we lose at sports events, I don't expect anything different tonight. The junior high boys have a wrestling meet at Neligh at 5:00p.m. tonight as well. Good luck and go Eagles!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Daily Blog 11/26/14 by Lilly

            I woke up this morning running late like usual. As I opened the big doors to O’Neill High School I was worried about my vocabulary quiz over lessons 1-5 in reading class. We had to write a Fractured Fairy Tale that was due today and I wrote mine about the story Cinderella. After that we had to turn in our Touching Spirit Bear worksheets that were due today also. That’s all we did in Reading class today.
            I was late to English class today because I had to stay after 1st period to finish my quiz. When I got to English we were talking about different types of poems. After, we had to find similes in the poems, then we had to give feedback on five different stories that everybody on canvas posted so that everybody can read their favorite piece of writing.  We had the last ten minutes of class to work on giving feedback.

            Today was the last day of the week as Thanksgiving break quickly approached. Everybody was excited to get out at 1:30 today and have a four-day week vacation. Yesterday we had a basketball game in Neligh and we won 43-21. I am really excited to spend this weekend with my loving family and finally have a break from school!

Daily Blogger11-11-14Dawson

        Here I am again blogger, today I am going to write about my day. So today in English class we went over essay stuff. We talked about the structure, amount of paragraphs, then went to work. Then for algebra all we did was do Ixls and redos. It was so nice only doing those two things because I already had the Ixls done and only two redos.
         For lunch I had my favorite thing ever a Subway sandwich. Today was also like the first time in three years that I had a RedBull. I needed lots of energy for this evening.
         This evening I was going to have my first wrestling meet ever, I was so nervous. Once I got in the ring for my first match all the butterflies were replaced by pure adrenaline. Even though I lost both my matches it was really fun.

daily blogger 11-25-14 by ashley

Ugh, other day like any other first started off is having my sister yelling at me, to walk her to preschool. I told her no and she started not to get in the vehicle. When her mother and her grandmother walked in the door last minute of the day. My aunt told me to walk her to preschool so she would stop yelling and kicking at her mother and grandmother. I had to run to my home where my ride was going to be from the preschool. I had to let my sister gave her a minute or two. I told her that if she were still there I would give her a penny back ride back to her house I can go. I have to run out of sight before she could look back I was gone. I was the only one to calm her down any other way, her mother and grandmother couldn’t take her to preschool I had to do it all because I spoiled her a lot.

I didn’t want go to school today, but I had to but I couldn’t miss any other days of school unless I was sick. My sister wanted me to stay with her at preschool. I told her no because I have to go to school.

Here I am in English class we were talking about Poetry, the poem doesn’t have to rhyme, I can write about anything, if I want to because I like to write because it is my favorite thing to do anyway. I write a lot of things too besides poetry, I want to write is about my grandma.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Daily Blogger 11/26/14 By Faith

At least we get out early tomorrow. This was my thought through out the day. I can't wait to be with my family over Thanksgiving break. I was sick yesterday and had to play catch up in all of my classes. Today was a hard day because we had a lot of tests in classes yesterday.

In English today we started out by taking a test on the writing process. It seemed to be an easy test to me; however that is just my opinion. Then we listened to Bronx Masquerade. I find the book interesting. It is about lots of different stories of these kids' lives that come out through sharing these poems in class.

Considering I didn't feel good; today was a good day. I plan to go home and read after school. Hopefully tomorrow will be better; after all it is an early out. Happy early Thanksgiving, I hope you get to spend time with your family too.

Blogger 11-25-14 by Kody

It’s a Tuesday morning at OHS. All the 8th graders are standing in the 8th grade hallway talking about what is going to happen today. Then the bell rings.  Everybody goes to their 1st period class. Mine is reading.
In reading the first thing my class does is the warm up. Then we read four to seven pages of the chapter book, Lost and Found. Then we work on our book study. I am reading a small novel. Finally, the bell rings and off we go to second period.
    Second period is English class.  My class gives online feedback and gets feedback for a while. We have to fix our own letters. That is for a competition my class is in.  After that we wait for the bell to go on to the next class. Just another day in the halls of OHS.

Daily BLoger 11/24/14 By Derrick Bronzynski

Hi today I am the person that is the daily blogger. I like doing these because you get to share your thoughts and anything else you want to share. We usually have someone do this every week. I did one of these last times about past deer season.
     I am going to write about deer season again this year. The reason is, it is because it was a very interesting deer season. We found a lot of deer but we could not find any nice bucks, but my sister got her buck it was a 6 by 2. When we checked it in, we say some really nice bucks getting checked in. I almost got a buck but I missed him. All week I didn’t get anything. When it came until Sunday I got a really big doe. She was about 5 and half years old.
     Thanks for reading. This year deer season was not a very fun deer season but finally it was over. We do this every like 5 months. I like doing this because you get to share what you want and what it is. I shared this because it was an interesting essay. I would be more interesting but it was not very fun this year. Thanks for ready by derrick bronzynski. 

Daily Blogger 11-21-14 by: Dawson

            Shout out to Claire Marrow because it’s her birthday today and I have daily blogger. Today has been thoroughly boring but it has also been fun because I am looking forward to hunting all day.
            In English we went over our patriotic essays and revised. After we were done with that we were to get on canvas and revise based on what they gave us. When we were done we listened to music and Mrs. Troester came by and proofread them.
            In wrestling practice we went hard drilling and then jogging during transitions. My partner for the day was Francisco Perez; we worked on sprawling and getting our hips down. At the end of practice everyone was tired and was ready to go home.

-Good Luck and Go Eagles

Monday, November 24, 2014

daily blogger by Nate F

Have you ever shot a deer  hind legs off, found it and then tagged it
At  OHS all the kids are happy that it that time in November that you get to go sit in a stand or place with a high power rifle . rifle season for deer hunting 
I love to deer hunt in fact I will tell you about my deer hunting experience this year I went to some of my friends land and said I will get you a deer then his dad said even if I have to run it over we wait a couple of hour saw a small 3X3 but we dint shoot it because we wanted to get  bigger  then we wait to about noon then got something to eat and went back to the spot to wait the for about 20 minutes then we try to push them out of the trees and there me and my friend laid s 4X4 then my friend said wait for it to pass my mom and the it did I shot and I hit the ground then I thought it was died I then it got up and ran then 30 minutes later we see it again then we follow it then we get when we get we see the legs where shot off and my friend said you a little sleepy when you shot and said just a bit the my dad said that my deer was bigger that the on he shot then I said told you it would be then he say I’m so proud of you
Today in English we started reading a book about poems it called Bronx masquerade, our teacher having use read it because it teaching use about poems
She said were going to leave by poetry  for a couple of mouths then I like when did English turn to reading  in my head then we she told us to look at the pages then I said oh that make since now then we started to read it then class got over and study hall there not much to do but to make up homework from when I was gone from deer hunting I know I know but rifle season big in my family so it was just two days plus I have pretty good grades so that why my dad said I could go

But if I was doing bad my dad would say no but my parents are big on me and my sister getting good grade but there not as hard on me because I’m not as smart as my sisters’ but I can’t wait for wresting to day after school I like sport but baseball because I’m no good at it  but I try to do as much as I can but over all my favorite is football because it live hitting and you don’t get in trouble for it plus it kind of a stress relief at the end of the day so it not bad.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Daily Blogger 11-19-14 By Kiara Irwin

            Ugh, other day like any other. First started off with my sister screaming at me to go play outside. I told her no and she started to cry. Then my cousin and my aunt walked in the door the last minute. Then she asked if she could take us to school. On the way to school my aunt was talking about the snow because where she lives they have not gotten this much snow yet.
             I really did not want to go to school this morning, but I had to I could not miss any more days in less I was sick. Here we are at school I give my aunt and my cousin a hug good bye and say see you after school. Well when I tried to get out of the car my cousin grabbed a hold of my arm and said, you aren’t going to school unless I get to. I told her no and she asked if she could go to school tomorrow. I told her I will think about it but knowing me I am not going to let her go. Here I am in the front of the school and my cousin yells out of the window you forgot your computer I went to go grab it and I ran into the school.
            Here I am in English we were talking about doing feedback after we did are complex and compound sentence quiz. Then we gave feed back to the people in are UNL groups this was difficult because only one person had witch was Lexi Gardner so I gave her feed back. Then the bell rings and off to my social studies class this class I dislike it but then again it is kind of fun.
            This has been most of my day see you guys all the next day.

Daily Blogger 11/19/14 by Dennis

        So I walk in school today with some of my hair up, because i went back to sleep before I left for school. Talk to my friends in the hall way as always talking about sports and all that. Then the bell rings and I head to reading and we finished our story The Monkeys Paw. Then off to science; we had to watch this Bozeman video and start our vocab worksheet. In social studies we did a map test on the mid-east and I missed one, because I put Arab Empire instead of United Arab Emerites.

        Then english is here UGH! we had to revise our Canvas posts. Then we all had to work on peer reviewing for about a solid 30 minuets. At the end of english Ms Babl had to call on each kid to share what we changed in our story to our author. Then I was doing my blogger then It was now and then I don't know what happened.

        After school I'm probably going to go play some basketball at my house, and play Madden 15. Then go and watch some of the Chicago Bulls highlight while eating Ramen Noodles, you know the usual. That was my blogger for today guys please no judging and I SINCERELY LOVE ALL YOU GUYS :)


            Just another day in paradise of cores we had to go to school and do the usual stuff in math I had to catch up from when I was sick and reading I had to catch up to in science we took a test
            English class I had to post my patriots pen and catch up as usual because I was sick after I was done with tat I worked on my blog.

             I had fun in P.E. playing a new game called pirot tennis then I went home and cleaned my room and listened to music and went to the resoling meat and watched them then I watched the basket ball game the b team lost but the a team won so I walked home and stayed up lat because we had a late start the next day


           Today I came to school anxious to wrestle at the high school after school.  Before that I  went to first period which is reading, and I got both of my teen biz done. Then we practiced vocabulary and so on. When  science came around, we had a quiz which was pretty easy. Then in third period which is history we labeled a map of Africa.  In English we gave feedback on our writings, and I got all of my grades back from english.

           Study hall came around and I worked on my math and my agriculture. project. When math came around, we had homework on rise and slope. I have to do that after the wrestling meet because I didn't get it done. Thank goodness we have a late start tomorrow. When Agriculture. came around we had a substitute,  and I worked on my project, but didn't get it done. I can still work on it though.

          After agriculture came 8th period, which is P.E. or wrestling,  and i'm in wrestling, so I went to practice a little bit before the meet started. When the wrestling meet  rolled around, I lost twice and won one. I guess thats ok, but I think that I can do better. Thursday we have a meet so that gives me a chance to win some more matches.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Daily Bloggger- 11-17-14 by Tye

         Well it’s Monday and I don’t want to do Blogger. The only reason why I might enjoy this Monday is because of wrestling practice.
         In English today we peer reviewed our “Why We Appreciate Our Veterans.” We had to get a paper and have our partner fill in what they thought our lead was, supporting details, main ideas, and conclusion. As the day went on we had math homework that no one understood. The math assignment deals with functions. I am starting to get this lesson but it’s still not the easiest. After lunch we had science. In science we got in trouble for shouting out and being too loud. Only two periods left of this average Monday; agriculture and wrestling. Wrestling will hopefully make this Monday better.
         The day is almost over and wrestling is done. Wrestling was the highlight of my day. This Monday hasn’t been as bad as I thought it was when I woke up this morning.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Daily Blogger 11/3/14

            I opened the silver doors and walked past the seventh graders, making my way towards the eighth grade hallway. Trying to shove my way through all of the kids, I reached our hallway and chucked my gym bag on top of the lockers. “Hey Julia!” said my friends as they greeted me with smiles. “Hey guys,” I said half awake. Mornings are not my thing.
         As I walked into third period English Mrs. Babl reminded me that I am daily blogger today. “Oh boy” I thought. Today in English we talked about our theme and how the theme is included in our first and last paragraphs of our letters. Mrs. Troester read a few examples to the class and gave us a good idea of how to incorporate this in our letter. Next, Mrs. Troester called our names and we all told what our theme is. My theme is you can get through anything. My letter is based on Junie B. Jones books, because I read almost all of them when I was younger.
         It was a fun weekend. This is because since Friday was Halloween, my friends and I went down to Stuart to go to the haunted house. When we got there, the line was huge. It took close to a half hour to get to the front of the line. When we walked in the house to pay, we noticed someone staring at us. A butcher. His white garments were splattered with blood and he was carrying a long sharp knife. His dark cold eyes stared into mine. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I was panicking, and I told my friends I couldn’t do it. I ran out along with another girl.

That night I spent the night at a friend’s house and spent the next day with her and some other friends. We all thought it would be fun to go to the movies, so we got ready and headed out. During the movie we sipped on ice cold Dr. Pepper and chewed on buttery popcorn. When the movie was over, we ran outside and jumped into the warm car. When one of my friends, Ayden, closed the door she got her hair stuck. The rest of the ride home was all laughs and giggles. It was a great weekend.

Daily Blogger 11-17-14 By Claire M.

The cold wind burned my skin and made my hair stand up on end when I walked into school on this freezing Friday morning. I forcefully shoved my gym bag in my locker and headed to my first period class, reading. Reading is not one of my favorite classes, but today it wasn’t so bad. We took a vocabulary test then we finished reading a story that we had started on Thursday. I thought we were off the hook, but then Mrs. Morrow assigned us homework for the weekend. I then proceeded to my second period class, science. Science class was easy today. We simply talked about our plan for next week and then watched a very interesting video on evolution. After science I headed to English.
In English today we started with opening up our rough drafts on our computers. We then started to write our authors note using a rubric in our writing packets. After that we did face to face review with a partner. They gave us feedback and we changed any mistakes that were in our writing. My partner was Chandra and she had a really good piece of writing, so it was hard to give her feedback! Finally we posted our writing to Canvas.

The rest of the school day went by fast. When I got home I packed my things, got in the car, and headed out to my farm. Deer season opens this weekend and I am very excited. Although I have hunted before, I have never shot my own deer, and this year, hopefully, I’m going to. I am also excited because, in my family, deer season is like a holiday. My whole family comes and stays out at my farm. It’s really fun to spend time with my cousins and I am really looking forward to it!