Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Daily Blogger By Decemeberlyn 10-14-14

           Hey this is Decemberlyn today is October 10, 2014 my day started off with me laying there in my bed staring at my ceiling, and then my alarm goes off. I get up get ready for school. Then on the other hand there is my little bother he is deaf so he dose not know how loud he is speaking so when he yells it is more like a scream and he is in his room laying in his bead laying down screaming “MOM MOM SHE IS GOING TO POUR WATER ON ME” I walk in his room and my sister is trying to pour water on him because he would not get up, and get ready.
             When I get to school I go to my locker put my gym bag in my locker and then get my textbooks I need for the day. Then I go drop my stuff of by the door of my first class. My first class is reading with Mrs. Kelly. Then I go get some breakfast. Then I go sit in the lounge and read my book for reading.
Ding the bell rings, I walk into class Mrs. Kelly is Reading the objective and to get our binders and do warm up when the bell rings. In reading we almost read a whole chapter in our book, but we had to take this test thing. We did that for the rest of the period if you got done you were supposed to work on book study, but nobody got done so we are going to finish tomorrow. Book study is where you read a book and then you have to do a packet on it or something like that.
            Second period I have science with Mr. Morrow. When I walk in the class there was only like three people in there when everybody got in the class and sat down. Mr. Morrow Started reading the objective then he started to talk about ecosystems. After he was done talking we worked on our ibooks. We are doing these ibooks on Ecosystems and life science.
            Ding bell rings I am in my seat ready to learn I am in Mrs. Treoster and Mrs. Babl’s class (English).  We started off with a quiz there were five questions. The quiz was about Ic,I and I;I. After that we looked at some murals and we had this worksheet and we filled out the worksheet on a couple of the murals. That is all we did in English class.
            That is part of my day not all but part of it. I guess it was not bad but it could have been better. All of these classes have not been bad but I think English class has been the best so far today. Writing this was not that bad I guess I kind of liked writing this.

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