Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/8/14 Daily Blogger Post- By Hannah A.


Looks like I am the first one to write in our daily bloggers. Ughhh… Today I walked into school looking lazy because it’s a Monday of course. Walked out of the one-hundred hallway to mod two (reading class) for first period. We had to finish our test that we didn’t get to finish on Friday; due to internet problems. In science we talked about our test that we took on Friday and got assigned a worksheet to do with a partner. 

I walk into English my favorite class of the day with a smile on my face. I sat down in my chair and looked at the board to see what we were going to do for the day. We all settled down and tuned to Mrs. Troester, as she handed out little white pieces of paper. Then she tells us to write down the sentence that was on the board and then we had to tell her if there was any verbs, nouns, subjects, infinitives, etc. Finally she tells us we are going to start doing our daily blogs; she started explaining them and showing us some examples. Which I was pretty excited because I usually do better if I see some examples before doing my work. Of coarse, no one wanted to do it for the first time, so she decided on pulling one of those ugly popsicle sticks behind the door on the north side; and guess who’s name got pulled… That’s right mine; I wasn’t too happy about it either. 
This week at O’Neill High School the junior high girls have their first volleyball game of the season. It is away, which I am pretty happy, because I don’t like when everyone comes to watch when it is in O’Neill; especially since it is the first game. We leave at 2:30, Thursday afternoon. That night we probably won’t get home as early I would like; since it is in Petersburg, Nebraska. That’s okay though I love volleyball season! I walked into school feeling lazy but it turned out to be a great day at O’Neill High School.

- Hannah Alden 

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