Thursday, May 14, 2015

Daily Blogger 5-13-15 Taryn

 I walked into school with high spirits, and then I remembered that it was Tristan’s last day of school. I am not ready for him to graduate. In fact this whole thing is going to go down really badly. Anyway in my first period class, reading, we finished our Nothing but the Truth projects. After that I went to science class. In science Faith and I continued working on our tower building project.

In English today we continued working on our ibooks projects. Our projects that we are doing are writing books for younger children. My book is about Hitler’s life. I choose this topic because when I was younger it was hard for me to wrap my head around what he did.

After school I went to my stepsisters softball game. It was a bit cool, but I am glad I got to see her first game of the season. Sadly they lost 4-2, but they will only get better. Hope everyone’s Wednesday was as great as mine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Daily Blogger- May 12, 2015: Hannah

Get up late; stay up late. Repeat. This is how my weeks usually go, but this school year is finally winding down. Everyone is trying to get all those grades up to please our parents and us. Trying to get all of our final dues paid, so we can leave at 1:00 Thursday May 21st. The rushing and bustling of everyone trying to get all of our homework assignments turned in, studying for all of our tests we are having, and getting all of our projects turned in. I’m just hoping these last few days fly by, so we can finally get out of school and start our summer vacation. 
This week in English we get to skip DGP, which is totally fine with me. Today though we worked on our iBook Project that we have to finish by Friday. Everyone is adding finishing touches mostly now to their writing, so we can get to the fun part of adding all of our photos. I think it will be fun to look at all of the projects after they are finished and in the store.

            The junior high kids had a track meet in Ainsworth that got postponed from Monday to Tuesday. That was our last track meet until next year where us 8th graders will be heading to 9th grade and competing in the high school division. It is bittersweet knowing that was our last event before we will be in the High School. Well goodbye daily blogger it has been real.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Daily Blogger 5/11/15 By: Ayden

Today I woke up excited for my last track meet, only to find out that it was moved to tomorrow because it’s to cold outside. As I walked into the school, I could hear people talking, and music playing. As first period came I realized with the rest of my class that we are supposed to have a guest speaker today from Nebraska Life Magazine. The guy from Nebraska Life Magazine told us a lot of interesting things about his job and what he does.

While sitting in English class impatiently, the class got time to work on our ibook projects. The project is over making a kid's book from a historical event. This project is also due Friday. My topic is over Anne Frank, I hope that this project goes well.

It’s the end of the school day now, and I’m packing up my stuff. The school year is almost over, and I can’t wait for summer. Today is my last post for the year on daily blogger. This is good-bye for now daily blogger see you next year.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Daily Blogger 5/7/15 By Decemberlyn

            There I lay waiting for my alarm to go off. Ring ring, there went my alarm. I got up got dressed half way decent because I was supposed to record today in science. 

            I walk into the school, I drop my gym bag off at my locker, and headed to the lunchroom to eat breakfast. On my way there I dropped my book bag, and computer off outside my first period class. When I got done eating, I headed to my first period. As I walk in, my substitute Mr. Price greeted me. I got my binder, did my warm up and sat down. For the rest of the class we finished our work sheets on the Outsiders. Ring, the bell rings; I head to second period.
            My second period is science with Mr. Morrow. I sat down logged into Edmodo and did our trivia.  For the rest of the class period we worked on our weather report projects. I was supposed to record, but I couldn’t so, I dressed half way decent for nothing, but it is not bad to dress decent sometimes. Ring, the bell rings; I head for third period.
            My third period is English with Mrs. Troester and Mrs. Babl. I grabbed my folder and started writing the sentence for Daily Grammar Practice. We did Wednesday and Thursdays because we didn’t do Monday’s so, we had to do two. For the rest of they period we worked on our project we have been working on. We have to make an ibook for kids. Ring, the bell rings; I head for fourth period
            The rest of the day went by fast. I like science class today; I didn’t really like Social Studies today though, but today was not that bad of a day. I am kind of glad that this is my last daily blogger of the year.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Daily Blogger 5/6/14 By Chandra

            I rushed out of bed to the sight of the dreary grey clouds outside my window. Not in the mood to hustle to get ready, I went super slow until my dad asked if I was ready to go. We all know what the answer was! After that, I hustled and bustled to shove stuff in my bag. When I got to school, the grey clouds had began to spill rain all over.
            Today in English, we worked on our iBooks. We started the period off by doing our daily grammar practice, and then we got work time. We can write our iBook about an person, place, or event in history. My iBook is about the history of Fourth of July. There is a lot more to it than we think.  I worked on my script for part of the period, and then got it okayed by Mrs. Babl. The rest of the time, I started drawing my narrator character.
            In science today, we were working on our weather report project. We have to make a weather report like you would see on the news about a certain city. Julia and I are working together, and we chose Orlando, Florida. We got our script done, so we got to start filming in front of the green screen. I think our project will be pretty good. Today was a pretty great day considering we’re pretty close to the end of the school year!

Daily Blogger 5/5/15 By: Spencer

            Today is Tuesday, May 5. When I got to school, I ate my peanut butter crackers. In reading we read our book Nothing But The Truth. In science Collin and I worked on our weather forecast for Pago Pago, which is the capital for American Samoa. Then I walked into our English Class.
            In English we are working on our draft for our IBook projects. My IBook is about 9/11. I really am unsure about how to write this because this is a sticky topic. It is very morbid, but I don’t want my book to morbid. Hopefully I can figure this out. Also I am working on my narrator, which is going to be a firefighter.

           After all my classes I had to go to track practice. In track practice we finished the laugh Olympics. I was a little angry because we got second and lost by one point. After that I had to run conditioning. It was ok because we only ran about one and a half mile. After track Dawson and I worked out for a while. After working out I went home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Daily Blogger 5/4/15 By: Claire Morrow

             Summer. It’s the best part of the year. No more school, teachers, and best of all, no more Daily Bloggers! Although we only have 2 ½ weeks left, teachers feel it’s the best time to pile on the homework. The last two weeks are the more stressful and longest lasting weeks because of the homework, testing, trying to get your grades up, and everyone just wants to get out of here. Every 8th grader here at OHS is filled with fear and excitement as 9th grade approaches us fast as lightning.  As I say goodbye to 8th grade Daily Blogger I say hello to freshman year.
            Today in English we skipped DGP, which is totally fine with me. After we all quieted down, Mrs. Troester instructed us to continue working on our notes for our iBooks projects. I am doing my project on Nashville, Tennessee, and I am pretty excited about it. This project seems like it will be a lot of fun! I can’t wait to see how everybody’s turns out.
           After English, math, civics, and Ag were tiresome and fairly boring. I think I can speak for pretty much everyone in the school when I say that I just want this school year to be over. Teachers talk about “running through the finish line,” but I wish the finish line would run to us. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daily Blogger 5/1/15 By:Collin

     Ugh, another boring Friday, the day everyone loves but doesn't want to go through. Just waiting for a weekend is tough enough, but being so close to it then being loaded with homework is worse. I wish for the year to end, and happily it is my final daily blogger of the year

     Today in English we took notes for our "Ibooks project" which is a tedious task to undergo. The "Ibooks project" will be fun and enjoyable once we start working on the book part. Hopefully I can get what I need finished soon, so I can enjoy some of my weekend.

     As a final year sendoff of my last Daily Blogger, I wish all a good rest of the year! Summer is just around the corner, and it will be exciting. After school is out I head for a trip to D.C. with some other classmates, Again enjoy the year and finish strong.

Friday, May 1, 2015

daily blogger april 30th 15 by Derrek Babutzke

I woke up the same as usual. The same old thing day by day reading the same old thing. Science was same as always. I get my stuff done, and then it is time fore English.
We were working on our ibook project. Then math class was the same, take notes, do my assignment and get some other stuff done.

Then I was off for lunch. Then after lunch Mr. Hostert's class was in Mr. Hesse's. then Mrs. Scheat's had Ms. Appleby’s  class. because the track athletic directors were gone. When I got home, I took a nap. Then I ate supper and watched TV then it was time for bed.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Daily Blog 4/29/15 by Trista Strampher

Today, I have the daily blogger, I know, it’s the best thing in the world. In English class we worked on finding our resources for our iBooks for the children. I went on Nebraska Access and found about thirteen pages of information. My book is about the history of mechanics, and the first model T car. I enjoy engines.
After English class I have math. In math class we are working on factoring polynomials. This is a fairly easy thing for me. Mr. Hilker, our teacher, showed us how to do it, reviewed it. After about five minutes he let us work on our assignment. I got the assignment done quickly.

After school I got home and worked on highlighting key facts in my English papers that I printed off. I got through some pages.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daily Blogger April 23rd by Whitney

“Wake up. It’s time for school,” I hear my dad yelling from downstairs. It’s Friday, and I can’t wait for the track meet tomorrow. I gather all my stuff and head out the door. As I walk in the school building, it is quiet because I am early. I remember that I have my speech today.
Before too long I am in English class. I will admit I am nervous waiting for everyone to give their speeches. Then it is my turn. I get up to the front of the room. I take a deep breath and go on with my speech. At the end all of the girls have something good to say about my speech.
When it gets closer to the end of the day, I am ready for track practice. I do my warm ups as usual. Then, Hali and I run for distance practice. It is a nice and easy run because it is pre-meet, and we don’t want to get tired out before Saturdays big race.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Blogger 4/28/15 by Faith

            Only 24 days until summer. Even though not all of us are saying it, it is what we are all thinking it. Today is April 28th, and every one is wondering if we are ever going to get to summer. We all hope the teachers take it easy on us and don’t assign any big projects before summer, which is a lost cause.
            Today in English I found out that I have Daily Blogger, and that my writing for summer fun in O’Neil is due tomorrow. I have lots of work to do for English tonight. Then to everyone’s dismay Mrs. Troester told us about a big project coming up. We have to write a children’s book about a person, place,or event in history. I think I am going to write about Mt. Rushmore.

            In band today we didn’t play because last night was consort and we had to hand in our music papers. Then for the rest of the time Mr. Dean cracked jokes, and we got to talk with our classmates. Sadly last night was my last band concert ever, since I have decided to not do band next year. Just remember tomorrow is another day closer to summer.

daily blogger April 28- By Ana

     “Time to wake up” my dad said. It was time to go to school, and I didn’t want to go, but I had to go to school. Also today I’m daily blogger again,  and it’s time for me to say what we did on the school day.

     Today in English class we had to listen to a speech; we didn’t listen to and then we worked on our daily grammar practice again. After we got done with all of that, we are going to work on our last project of the year in English. We have to write about a place, event, or people. That’s all we had to do for English.

     Until next I have to do daily blogger I will tell more on what we did and on what we do on school days.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Daily Blogger 4/27/15 by Julia Emme

         Today I walked into school late. Uh oh. I was late because of my brother. He always takes longer than me to get ready in the morning. Weird right? As I entered my first period class, reading, my classmates were beginning to say the pledge of allegiance. I quickly set my bags down on the ground underneath my table and joined in what was left of the pledge.
         Today in English was the last day to present our persuasive speeches. Many different speeches were given on many different topics.  We have been preparing these speeches for about three or four weeks. During the speeches, we are required to fill out information about who was giving the speech at that time. It tells who is giving the speech, what their speech is about, and what they did good and needs improving. Now that we are done with them a big weight has been lifted off of everybody’s shoulders. When the last people were done presenting, we opened our emails and wrote about our favorite thing to do in the summer.

         This is my last daily blogger. The school year is quickly coming to an end. Soon we will be Maps testing and wrapping up every lesson in class, which I am happy about. This is because the quicker we rap up, the quicker it is to sitting outside soaking up the warm summer rays. I am definitely ready for summer nights and pool days.

Daily Blogger 4-27-15 by Hunter A

     Today in class we did our speeches It was so exciting (no it was scary and i regret it). Today is my cousin's birthday, Isaiah Shabram. He's going to be 14, so say happy birthday or just ignore him (because your so "cool"). Mrs Troester also yelled at us at the top of her lungs. No she just talked about Norfolks newpaper.

     In reading we discussed our books that were reading; I did InkHeart. It's about a father and daughter running away from a villiain named Capricorn (he likes fire). What ever the father reads things come true. I don't know why they can't say kill Capricorn from a notebook, but it's their story so what ever.

     In Civics were learning about political right and left (witch has lots of racist things), so like political right is Republican and political left is Democrat so yeah. In science we did our i movie prodjects if you want to see them go to Coach Morrow on youtube and look through those videos. It talks about how the earth was made and there's some old ones to, so that's what happened today so far.

DailyBlogger 4/27/15 By: Isaiah Shabram

            Here we are again with the daily blogger. All of you people get to hear about my day again. I think that today will be different. We are going to talk about my whole weekend. It was a pretty exciting weekend. Friday was okay to, but it won’t be as much fun.
            I’m going to talk about our English class. We had a project due so everyone got to hear peoples project. Everyone did well on his or her project. I haven’t gone yet because I am scheduled to go on Monday, but I do know that I can still do well. We didn’t do much the rest of the day mainly just the usual classes and homework.
            On Saturday we had a track meet in Norfolk, so we had to wake up at 6:00 a.m. When we got there, it was very cold. Everyone tried to stay warm while events were going on. Out of all I think we did well in all of our events. On Sunday my family went out to eat at L BAR B in Clearwater, NE. We did this because of my birthday on Monday.

            Finally I just have to say that my time doing daily blogger was fun. This was my final time doing it, so I won’t be talking about my time anymore. Thanks for listening to me this year. I hope everyone has a great summer. Goodbye for the final time daily blogger.

Daily blogger April 25, 2015 By derrick b

      This week we are getting ready to give some speeches, which are not fun because you are nervous when you give the speech. Everyone did pretty well. We have about 7 people each day doing speeches. Our first person of the day the did their speech was Aaron.

     We had a track meet 2 days ago. It was fun because we got to be outside and not be in school and not get in trouble. We got first as a team wich is really well for JH track. I think we did awesome for our 3 meet in JH track this year.

     This is the last daily blogger I am going to do this year. I am happy and my about doing the daily blogger. Reason's for good because it's fun to do and get time to do it. For some reason why it's not fun to do it because it's kind of boring. Most of the time is is not fun to do, because then you can't do other homework.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4-22-15 Daily Blogger By Sonia

Finally, my last daily blogger of the year! Today I woke up, got ready, and went to my first period class. In reading class we checked out workbook and interactive reader. We also went over vocabulary and our speak projects. My group was working on what we should do for our project right when the bell rang.

Today in English we had to get our powerpoint/ keynote ready before we present our speeches. I had to write my main points from my speech to my keynote. Mrs. Troester also assigned us a day to present our speeches. I have to present on Monday after Francisco. I like that I present on Monday because I think I need more practice.

Since today is Teacher Appreciation Day everyone gets out at 1:30p.m. For my last class of the day, in science we worked on our geologic time project. Aydan is my partner and we have everything done besides out titles and one video left. It’s 1:30p.m. and the bell rings. Everyone rushes out of their class rooms and can’t wait to leave the school.